Welcome to West Oaks Online!

If you are searching for a closer relationship with God and are looking for a church family, we invite you to come and visit with us at the West Oaks church of Christ. We will gladly welcome you and your family.

Browse our website to learn more about us, our beliefs, and worship times/directions.

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March 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
4 6 7 8
11 13 14 15
18 20 21 22
25 27 28 29
  1. First Assembly
    3/30/25 09:00am
  2. Sunday Bible Classes
    3/30/25 09:30am
  3. Worship Assembly
    3/30/25 10:20am
  4. Ladies' Class
    3/31/25 10:00am
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    4/2/25 07:00pm
  6. Full Calendar

West Oaks 2025 Bible Reading

2025 Bible Reading: The New Testament In a Year
"As It Happened"

This year we’re reading through the New Testament a little differently. We've arranged the readings, as much as we could, in chronological order, that is, in the order they occurred. When we get to the book of Acts, we'll also read the letters of Paul in the order they were written to the churches he established as well as the other New Testament letters in the order they were written. Overall, this should help give us a better understanding of how the events in the New Testament unfolded.
Download the schedule here
Follow "the church at West Oaks" on Facebook for daily summaries and devotionals

Ladies Monthly Bible Study

- April 12, 2025 at 10:00 am: Ladies' monthly bible study at Illeene Dillard's home.

Ladies Weekly Bible Study

 - March 31 at 10:00 am:  Ladies' Weekly Bible Study at Jill Goynes' home.

Men's Monthly Bible Study

 - April 7th, at 7:00 pm:  at Zane Rhode's office (on the Square in Columbus)

Saturday, March 29, 2025

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”(Daily Reading, ESV)