Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Preaching Christ

We provide these sermons for anyone who may find them useful. Our hope is that you will be encouraged in your faith to grow closer to God and live a holier life in his service. If you have any questions about the things presented, please don’t hesitate to use the contact form at the bottom of the page. You can navigate through all of the sermons on our site by using the three different search options below: by series, by speaker, or by topic. Our prayer is that these sermons will help us all to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/03/23 Finding Our Vision in God's Will Zeke Flores N/A First Assembly SUN01-Proverbs_29_18--FindingOurVision.pdf 09-03-2023_L1_Finding_our_Vision_in_Gods_Will_-_Proverbs_2918_ZFlores.mp3
08/27/23 The Secrets of the Satisfied Zeke Flores N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-Phil_4_10-13-Secrets_of_the_Satisfied.pdf 08-27-2023_L2_Secrets_of_the_Satisfied_ZFlorez.mp3
08/27/23 Anger Management Zeke Flores N/A First Assembly SUN01-Proverbs_25-Anger_Management.pdf 08-27-2023_L1_Anger_Management_ZFlorez.mp3
08/20/23 Joseph's Decision Zeke Flores N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-JosephsDecision-16x9pptx.pdf 08-20-2023_L2_Josephs_Decision_-_Gen_391-20_ZFlores.mp3
08/20/23 Alcohol Attracts and Attacks Zeke Flores N/A First Assembly 08-20-2023_L1_Alcohol_Attracts_and_Attacks_-_Prov_2329-35_ZFlores.mp3 SUN01-Proverbs__23_29-35-Alcohol_Attracts_and_Attacks.pdf
08/13/23 Raising Children Zane Rhodes N/A Worship Assembly 08-13-2023_L2_Raising_Children_ZRhodes.mp3
08/13/23 Abigail Zane Rhodes N/A First Assembly 08-13-2023_L1_Abigail_ZRhodes.mp3
08/06/23 Form Follows Function Danny Dillard N/A Worship Assembly 08-06-2023_L2_Form_Follows_Function_DDillard.mp3
08/06/23 The Faithfulness of Zacharias and Elizabeth Kevin Coufal N/A First Assembly 08-06-2023_L1_The_Faithfulness_of_Zacharias_and_Elizabeth_KCoufal.mp3
07/30/23 Thankfulness - Hannah Zane Rhodes N/A Worship Assembly 07-30-2023_L2_Thankfulness_-_Hannah_ZRhodes.mp3
07/30/23 Thankfulness - The Ten Lepers Zane Rhodes N/A First Assembly 07-30-2023_L1_Thankfulness_-_The_Ten_Lepers_ZRhodes.mp3
07/23/23 A Fitness Plan the Works Zeke Flores N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-A_Fitness_Plan_That_Works2-16x9.pdf 07-23-2023_L2_A_Fitness_Plan_that_Works_ZFlores.mp3
07/23/23 The All-Seeing Eyes Zeke Flores N/A First Assembly SUN01-Proverbs_153-TheAllSeeingEyes.pdf 07-23-2023_L1_The_All_Seeing_Eyes_-_Prov_153_ZFlores.mp3
07/16/23 How Does It Read to You? Zeke Flores N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-HowDoesIt_ReadTo_You-16X9.pdf 07-16-2023_L2_How_Does_It_Read_to_You_ZFlores.mp3
07/16/23 Two Mouths Zeke Flores N/A First Assembly SUN01-Proverbs_11_9-13-Two_Mouths.pdf 07-16-2023_L1_Two_Mouths_ZFlores.mp3
07/09/23 King of Kings Zeke Flores N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-Psalm_110-The_King_of_Kings.pdf 07-09-2023_L2_King_of_Kings_-_Ps_110_ZRhodes.mp3
07/09/23 Forsaken and Alone Zeke Flores N/A First Assembly SUN01-Psalm_88-Forsaken_and_Alone.pdf 07-09-2023_L1_Forsaken_and_Alone_-_Ps_88_ZFlores.mp3
07/02/23 Savvy Singing Zeke Flores N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-SavvySinging-SingingInSpiritAndTruth.pdf 07-02-2023_L2_Savvy_Singing_ZFlores.mp3
07/02/23 Just One Day Zeke Flores N/A First Assembly SUN01-Psalm_84-Just_One_Day.pdf 07-02-2023_L1_Just_One_Day_ZFlores.mp3
06/27/23 Running the Race Zeke Flores N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-RunningTheRace-Heb12-16x9.pdf 06-25-2023_L2_Running_the_Race_-_Heb_121-3_ZFlores.mp3
06/27/23 God is Known Zeke Flores N/A First Assembly SUN01-Psalm_76-GodIsKnown-16x9.pdf 06-25-2023_L1_God_is_Known_-_Psalm_76_ZFlores.mp3
06/18/23 A Faithful Man Zeke Flores N/A Worship Assembly 06-18-2023_L2_A_Faithful_Man_-_Proverbs_206_ZFlores.mp3
06/18/23 The Other Three R's Zeke Flores N/A First Assembly 06-18-2023_L1_The_Other_Three_Rs_-_Ecclesiasties_11-12_ZFlores.mp3
06/11/23 Living Upright In An Upside Down World Zeke Flores N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-LivingUprightUpsideDownWorld-16x9.pdf 06-11-2023_L2_Living_Upright_-_Acts_175-7_ZFlores.mp3
06/11/23 The End of a Matter Zeke Flores N/A First Assembly 06-11-2023_L1_The_End_of_a_Matter_-_Ecc_78-10_ZFlores.mp3 SUN01-Ecc_78-The_End_of_a_Matter.pdf

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