Sermons and Classes

Sermons and Classes

Displaying 426 - 450 of 1277

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/11/22 The Help of His Humanity Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-12-11-22_Heb2-TheHelpOfHisHumanity-16x9.pdf 12-11-2022_L2_The_Help_of_His_Humanity_-_Hebrews_29-18_ZFlores.mp3
12/11/22 Horses on the Horizon Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly SUN01-12-11-22_Rev_6_1-8-Horses_on_the_Horizon.pdf 12-11-2022_L1_Horses_on_the_Horizon_-_Rev_61-8_ZFlores.mp3
12/11/22 Hospitality Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class One Another Passages Sunday Adult Class 12-11-2022_Adult_Class_Hospitality_-_One_Another_Passages_ZRhodes.mp3
12/04/22 Great was its Fall Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 12-04-2022_L2_Great_Was_Its_Fall_ZFlores.mp3
12/04/22 The Cure for the Common Cold Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly 12-04-2022_L1_The_Cure_For_The_Common_Cold_ZFlores.mp3
12/04/22 Miscellaneous Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class One Another Passages Sunday Adult Class 12-04-2022_Adult_Class_Miscellaneous_-_One_Another_Passages_ZRhodes.mp3
11/30/22 Sixth Commandment Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study The Ten Commandments Wed Nght Bible Study 11-30-2022_wnbs_Sixth_Commandment_-_The_Ten_Commandments_ZFlores.mp3
11/27/22 ThanksLiving Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-_11-27-22_ThanksLiving.pdf 11-27-2022_L2_ThanksLiving_-_1_Thess_518_ZFlores.mp3
11/27/22 Aware of Antichrists Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly SUN01-11-27-222_1_John_2_18-27-Aware_of_AntiChrists.pdf 11-27-2022_L1_Aware_of_Antichrist_-_1_Jn_218-29_ZFlores.mp3
11/27/22 Miscellaneous Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class One Another Passages Sunday Adult Class 11-27-2022_Adult_Class_Miscellaneous_-_One_Another_Passages_ZRhodes.mp3
11/23/22 Fifth Commandment - Part II Lowell Koenig Wed Night Bible Study The Ten Commandments Wed Nght Bible Study 11-23-2022_wnbs_Fifth_Commandment_-_Part_II_-_The_Ten_Commandments_LKoenig.mp3
11/20/22 Pots full of Treasure Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 11-20-2022_L2_Pots_Full_of_Treasure_ZFlores.mp3
11/20/22 Jesus' Purpose Driven Life Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly 11-20-2022_L1_Jesus_Purpose_Driven_Life_ZFlores.mp3
11/20/22 Confidence in Salvation Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class N/A Sunday Adult Class 11-20-2022_Adult_Class_Confidence_in_Salvation_ZRhodes.mp3
11/19/22 Fifth Commandment - Part I Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study The Ten Commandments Wed Nght Bible Study 11-16-2022_wnbs_Fifth_Commandment_-_Part_I_-_The_Ten_Commandments_ZFlores.mp3
11/13/22 Godly Men Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 11-13-2022_L2_Godly_Men_ZRhodes.mp3
11/13/22 Calling on the Name of the Lord Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A First Assembly 11-13-2022_L1_Calling_on_the_Name_of_the_Lord_ZRhodes.mp3
11/13/22 Miscellaneous Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class One Another Passages Sunday Adult Class 11-13-2022_Adult_Class_Miscellaneous_-_One_Another_Passages_ZRhodes.mp3
11/09/22 Fourth Commandment - Part II Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study The Ten Commandments Wed Nght Bible Study 11-09-2022_wnbs_Fourth_Commandment_-_Continued_-_The_Ten_Commandments_ZFlores.mp3
11/06/22 Building Worship on the Rock Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 11-06-2022_L2_Building_Worship_on_the_Rock_-_Acts_241-42_ZFlores.mp3
11/06/22 You will be Free Indeed Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly 11-06-2022_L1_You_will_be_Free_Indeed_-_Jn_831-36_ZFlores.mp3
11/06/22 Miscellaneous Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class One Another Passages Sunday Adult Class 11-06-2022_Adult_Class_Miscellaneous_-_One_Another_Passages_ZRhodes.mp3
10/30/22 When God Seems Hidden Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 10-30-2022_L2_When_God_Seems_Hidden_ZFlores.mp3
10/30/22 Nic at Night Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly 10-30-2022_L1_Nic_at_Night_-_John_31-17_ZFlores.mp3
10/30/22 Miscellaneous Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class One Another Passages Sunday Adult Class 10-30-2022_Adult_Class_Miscellaneous_-_One_Another_Passages_ZRhodes.mp3

Displaying 426 - 450 of 1277

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