Sermons and Classes

Sermons and Classes

Displaying 26 - 50 of 1269

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/05/25 Jesus the Word Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly John_1_1-18-Jesus_The_Word_of_God.pdf 01-05-2025_L1_Jesus_the_Word_-_John_11-18_ZFlores.mp3
12/29/24 Holy Spirit - Part 38 Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Holy Spirit Sunday Adult Class 12-29-2024_Adult_Class_Holy_Spirit_-_Part_38_ZRhodes.mp3
12/29/24 The More Things Change Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly TheMoreThingsChange-16x9.pdf 12-29-2024_L2_The_More_Things_Change_-_Hebrews_1226-28_ZFlores.mp3
12/29/24 Prayer Changes Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly PrayerChangesME-16x9.pdf 12-29-2024_L1_Prayer_Changes_-_Acts_4_ZFlores.mp3
12/25/24 Jesus the Healer Zane Rhodes Wed Night Bible Study Study of Mark Wed Nght Bible Study 12-25-2024_wnbs_Jesus_the_Healer_-_Mark_21-13_ZRhodes.mp3
12/22/24 What's So Great about the Bible Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly WhatsSoGreatAboutTheBible.pdf 12-22-2024_L2_Whats_So_Great_About_The_Bible_ZFlores.mp3
12/22/24 The Enduring Value of the Prophets Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly 1_Peter_1_10-12-The_Enduring_Value_of_the_Prophets.pdf 12-22-2024_L1_The_Enduring_Value_of_the_Prophets_ZFlores.mp3
12/22/24 Holy Spirit - Part 37 Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Holy Spirit Sunday Adult Class 12-22-2024_Adult_Class_Holy_Spirit_-_Part_37_ZRhodes.mp3
12/18/24 Jesus the Healer Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study N/A Wed Nght Bible Study 12-18-2024_wnbs_Jesus_the_Healer_-_Mark_121-45_ZFlores.mp3
12/15/24 Excruciating Forgiveness Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly Luke_23_34-Excruciating_Forgiveness.pdf 12-15-2024_L2_Excruciating_Forgiveness_-_Luke_2334_ZFlores.mp3
12/15/24 Filling the Temple Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Ezekiel_43-Filling_The_Temple.pdf 12-15-2024_L1_Filling_the_Temple_-_Ezekiel_431-12_ZFlores.mp3
12/15/24 Holy Spirit - Part 36 Zeke Flores Sunday Adult Class Holy Spirit Sunday Adult Class 12-15-2024_Adult_Class_Holy_Spirit_-_Part_36_ZFlores.mp3
12/11/24 Jesus the Healer Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Study of Mark Wed Nght Bible Study 12-11-2024_wnbs_Jesus_the_Healer_-_Mark_121-45_ZFlores.mp3
12/08/24 The Anchor of Biblical Authority Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly Colossians_3_16-17-The_Anchor_of_Biblical_Authority.pdf 12-08-2024_L2_The_Anchor_of_Biblical_Authority_-_Col316-17_ZFlores.mp3
12/08/24 Can These Bones Live? Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Ezekiel_37_1-14-Can_These_Bones_Live.pdf 12-08-2024_L1_Can_These_Bones_Live_-_Ezekiel_371-14_ZFlores.mp3
12/08/24 Holy Spirit - Part 35 Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class N/A Sunday Adult Class 12-08-2024_Adult_Class_Holy_Spirit_-_Part_35_ZRhodes.mp3
12/01/24 The Good Shepard Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Ezekiel_34_11-16-The_Good_Shepherd.pdf 12-01-2024_L1_The_Good_Shepherd_-_Ezekiel_3411-16_ZFlores.mp3
12/01/24 Turning Past Failures into Present Successes Zeke Flores Sermon 2024-Focus On The Family Worship Assembly Past_Failures_Present_Successes.pdf 12-01-2024_L2_Turning_Past_Failures_into_Present_Successes_ZFlores.mp3
12/01/24 Holy Spirit - Part 34 Zeke Flores Sunday Adult Class Holy Spirit Sunday Adult Class 12-01-2024_Adult_Class_Holy_Spirit_-_Part_34_ZRhodes.mp3
11/24/24 Grounded in Gratitude Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly Hebrews_13_1-16-Grounded_In_Gratitude.pdf 11-24-2024_L2_Grounded_in_Gratitude_-_Hebrews_131-16_ZFlores.mp3
11/24/24 The Peril of Pride Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Ezekiel_28_11-19-The_Peril_of_Pride.pdf 11-24-2024_L1_The_Peril_of_Pride_-_Ezekiel_2811-19_ZFlores.mp3
11/24/24 Holy Spirit - Part 33 Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Holy Spirit Sunday Adult Class 11-24-2024_Adult_Class_Holy_Spirit_-_Part_33_ZRhodes.mp3
11/20/24 The Time is Fulfilled Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Study of Mark Wed Nght Bible Study 11-20-2024_wnbs_The_Time_is_Fulfilled_-_Mark_11-11_ZFlores.mp3
11/17/24 Holy Spirit - Part 32 Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class N/A Sunday Adult Class 11-17-2024_Adult_Class_Holy_Spirit_-_Part_32_-_Galations_5_ZRhodes.mp3
11/17/24 God Uses Humble People Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 11-17-2024_L2_God_Uses_Humble_People_ZRhodes.mp3

Displaying 26 - 50 of 1269

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