Sermons and Classes

Sermons and Classes

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/24/24 Avoiding Inaction Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Study of James Wed Nght Bible Study 07-24-2024_wnbs_Avoiding_Inaction_-_James_214-26_ZFlores.mp3
07/21/24 The Word of the Cross Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 1_Cor_1_18-Word_of_the_Cross-16x9.pdf 07-21-2024_L2_The_Word_of_the_Cross_-_1_Corinthians_118_ZFlores.mp3
07/21/24 Holy Spirit - Part 17 Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Holy Spirit Sunday Adult Class 07-21-2024_Adult_Class_Holy_Spirit_-_Part_17_ZRhodes.mp3
07/21/24 Encouragement in Exile Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Jeremiah_29_1-14-Encouragement_For_Exiles.pdf 07-21-2024_L1_Encouragement_in_Exile_-_Jeremiah_291-14_ZFlores.mp3
07/17/24 Christ in the Old Testament Lowell Koenig Wed Night Bible Study N/A Wed Nght Bible Study 07-17-2024_wnbs_Christ_in_the_Old_Testament_LKoenig.mp3
07/14/24 Colossal Spirituality Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 07-14-2024_L2_Colossal_Spirituality_-_Colossians_19-12_ZFlores.mp3 ColossalSpirituality2-16x9.pdf
07/14/24 Living in the Land of Liars Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Jeremiah_23_9-40-Living_In_A_Land_of_Liars.pdf 07-14-2024_L1_Living_in_the_Land_of_Liars_-_Jeremiah_239-40_ZFlores.mp3
07/14/24 Holy Spirit - Part 16 Zeke Flores Sunday Adult Class Holy Spirit Sunday Adult Class 07-14-2024_Adult_Class_Holy_Spirit_-_Part_16_ZFlores.mp3
07/07/24 When Mars and Venus Collide Zeke Flores Sermon 2024-Focus On The Family Worship Assembly When_Venus_and_Mars_Collide.pdf 07-07-2024_L2_When_Mars_and_Venus_Collide_ZFlores.mp3
07/07/24 Taking a Knife to a Sword Fight Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Jeremiah_36-Taking_A_Knife_To_A_Sword_Fight.pdf 07-07-2024_L1_Taking_a_Knife_to_a_Sword_Fight_-_Jeremiah_36_ZFlores.mp3
07/07/24 Holy Spirit - Part 15 Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class N/A Sunday Adult Class 07-07-2024_Adult_Class_Holy_Spirit_-_Part_15_ZRhodes.mp3
07/03/24 Avoiding Discrimination Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Study of James Wed Nght Bible Study 07-03-2024_wnbs_Avoiding_Discrimination_-_James_21-7_ZFlores.mp3
06/30/24 The Battle Against Myself Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly Battle_Against_Myself-16x9.pdf 06-30-2024_L2_The_Battle_Against_Myself_-_2_Chornicles_18_ZFlores.mp3
06/30/24 Fire in My Bones Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Jeremiah_20_7-13-The_Fire_In_My_Bones.pdf 06-30-2024_L1_Fire_in_My_Bones_-_Jeremiah_207-13_ZFlores.mp3
06/30/24 Christ in the Old Testament Lowell Koenig Sunday Adult Class N/A Sunday Adult Class 06-30-2024_Adult_Class_Christ_in_the_Old_Testament_LKoenig.mp3
06/26/24 Persistence in Action Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Study of James Wed Nght Bible Study 06-26-2024_wnbs_Persistence_In_Action_-_James_119-27_ZFlores.mp3
06/23/24 When Disaster Strikes Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly Luke_13_1-5-When_Disaster_Strikes.pdf 06-23-2024_L2_When_Disaster_Strikes_-_Luke_131-5_ZFlores.mp3
06/23/24 The Potential of Pottery Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly 06-23-2024_L1_The_Potential_of_Pottery_-_Jeremiah_183-10_ZFlores.mp3 Jeremiah_18_3-10-The_Potential_of_Pottery.pdf
06/23/24 Holy Spirit - Part 14 Zeke Flores Sunday Adult Class Holy Spirit Sunday Adult Class 06-23-2024_Adult_Class_Holy_Spirit_-_Part_14_ZFlores.mp3
06/19/24 Persistence in Action Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Study of James Wed Nght Bible Study 06-19-2024_wnbs_Persistence_in_Action_-_James_119-27_ZFlores.mp3
06/16/24 Covenant and Conspiracy Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Jeremiah_11_1-13-Covenant_and_Conspiracy.pdf 06-16-2024_L1_Covenant__Conspiracy_-_Jeremiah_111-13_ZFlores.mp3
06/16/24 Holy Spirit - Part 13 Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Holy Spirit Sunday Adult Class 06-16-2024_Adult_Class_Holy_Spirit_-_Part_13_ZRhodes.mp3
06/16/24 The Fatherhood of God Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly The_Fatherhood_of_God-2_Corinthians_6_18.pdf 06-16-2024_L2_The_Fatherhood_of_God_-_2_Cor_618_ZFlores.mp3
06/15/24 Endurance in Temptation Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Study of James Wed Nght Bible Study 06-12-2024_wnbs_Endurance_in_Temptation_-_James_112-18_ZFlores.mp3
06/09/24 Ritual or Relationship Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly 06-09-2024_-L1_Rirual_or_Relationship_-_Jer_71-28_ZFlores.mp3 Jeremiah_7_1-28-Ritual_Or_Relationship.pdf

Displaying 76 - 100 of 1235

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