Sermons and Classes

Sermons and Classes

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/21/24 The Certainty of Death Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Ecclesiastes Wed Nght Bible Study 02-21-2024_wnbs_The_Certainty_of_Death_-_Ecc_91-18_ZFlores.mp3
02/18/24 Christ Our Life Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly Col_31-4_Christ_Our_Life-16x9.pdf 02-18-2024_L2_Christ_Our_Life_-_Colossians_31-4_ZFlores.mp3
02/18/24 Call of the Watchman Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Isaiah_21_6-12-Call_of_the_Watchman.pdf 02-18-2024_L1_The_Call_of_a_Watchman_-_Isaiah_216-12_ZFlores.mp3
02/18/24 Salt of the Earth Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class The Teachings of Jesus Sunday Adult Class 02-18-2018_Adult_Class_Salt_of_the_Earth_-_Luke_1434-35_ZRhodes.mp3
02/14/24 Submission to Authority Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Ecclesiastes Wed Nght Bible Study 02-14-2024_wnbs_Submission_to_Authority_-_Ecc_810-17_ZFlores.mp3
02/11/24 The Game Changer Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 02-11-2024_L2_The_Game_Changer_ZFlores.mp3 1_Corinthians_15_1-8-The_Game_Changer.pdf
02/11/24 Barren Branches Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Isaiah_17_4-11-Barren_Branches.pdf 02-11-2024_L1_Barren_Branches_Isaiah_17_ZFlores.mp3
02/11/24 Signs of the Times Zeke Flores Sunday Adult Class The Teachings of Jesus Sunday Adult Class 02-11-2024_Adult_Class_Signs_of_the_Times_-_Luke_1254-57_ZFlores.mp3
02/04/24 The Marriage Covenant Zeke Flores Sermon 2024-Focus On The Family Worship Assembly The_Marriage_Covenant.pdf 02-04-2024_L2_The_Marriage_Covenant_-_Song_of_Solomon_63_ZFlores.mp3
02/04/24 The Burden of Babylon Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Isaiah_13-BabylonsBurden.pdf 02-04-2024_L1_The_Burden_of_Babylon_-_Isaiah_13_ZFlores.mp3
02/04/24 A Tree and its Fruits Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class The Teachings of Jesus Sunday Adult Class 02-04-2024_Adult_Class_A_Tree_and_its_Fruit_ZRhodes.mp3
01/31/24 Submission to Authority Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Ecclesiastes Wed Nght Bible Study 01-31-2024_wnbs_Submission_to_Authority_-_Ecc_81-9_ZFlores.mp3
01/28/24 And His Name Shall Be Called... Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Isaiah_9_1-7_AndHeShallBeCalled.pdf 01-28-2024_L1_And_His_Name_Shall_Be_Call_-_Isaiah_91-7_ZFlores.mp3
01/28/24 A Fresh Start Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly John_3_3-5-A_Fresh_Start.pdf 01-28-2024_L2_A_Fresh_Start_-_2_Corintians_517_ZFlores.mp3
01/28/24 Keep Watch Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class The Teachings of Jesus Sunday Adult Class 01-28-2024_Adult_Class_Keep_Watch_-_Mark_1333-37_ZRhodes.mp3
01/24/24 The Counsel for the Days of Suffering Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Ecclesiastes Wed Nght Bible Study 01-24-2024_wnbs_Counsel_for_the_Days_of_Suffering_-_Eccl_7_ZFlores.mp3
01/21/24 Power over Peer Pressure Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly Power_Over_Peer_Pressure.pdf 01-21-2024_L2_Power_Over_Peer_Pressure_ZFlores.mp3
01/21/24 Serving Through the Uncertainty Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Isaiah_6-Serving_Through_The_Uncertainty.pdf 01-21-2024_L1_Serving_through_the_Uncertainty_-_Isaiah_ZFlores.mp3
01/21/24 The Eye is the Lamp of your Body Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class The Teachings of Jesus Sunday Adult Class 01-21-2024_Adult_Class_The_Eye_is_the_Lamp_of_your_Body_-_Luke_11_ZRhodes.mp3
01/17/24 The Counsel for the Days of Suffering Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Ecclesiastes Wed Nght Bible Study 01-17-2024_wnbs_The_Counsel_for_the_Days_of_Suffering_-_Ecc_71-9_ZFlores.mp3
01/14/24 Restoring Relationships Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly Phil_2_1-8-Restoring_Relationships.pdf 01-14-2024_L2_Restoring_Relationships_-_Philipians_21-8_ZFlores.mp3
01/14/24 From Rebellion to Reason Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Isaiah_1-Rebellion_To_Reason.pdf 01-14-2024_L1_From_Rebellion_to_Reason_-_Isaiah_1_ZFlores.mp3
01/14/24 House Divided Against Itself Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class The Teachings of Jesus Sunday Adult Class 01-14-2024_Adult_Class_House_Divided_Aganist_Itself_-_Luke_11_ZRhodes.mp3
01/10/24 The Seeming Futility of Life Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Ecclesiastes Wed Nght Bible Study 01-10-2024_Adult_Class_The_Seeming_Futility_of_Life_-_Ecclesiastes_6_ZFlores.mp3
01/07/24 Focus for the Family Zeke Flores Sermon 2024-Focus On The Family Worship Assembly 01-07-2024_L2_Focus_on_the_Family_-_Deut_61-15_ZFlores.mp3 Deut_6-FocusFORTheFamily.pdf

Displaying 201 - 225 of 1277

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