Sermons and Classes

Sermons and Classes

Displaying 251 - 275 of 1277

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/12/23 How Do You Know? Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 1_John_5_13-How_Do_You_Know3-16x9.pdf 11-12-2023_L2_How_Do_You_Know_-_1_John_513_ZFlores.mp3
11/12/23 What Can I Give Back? Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly Psalm_116-What_Can_I_Give_Back.pdf 11-12-2023_L1_What_Can_I_Give_Back_ZFlores.mp3
11/12/23 Wise and Foolish Builders Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class The Teachings of Jesus Sunday Adult Class 11-12-2023_Adult_Class_Wise_and_Foolish_Builders_-_Parables_ZRhodes.mp3
11/08/23 The Preacher's Quest Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Ecclesiastes Wed Nght Bible Study 11-08-2023_wnbs_The_Preachers_Quest_-_Ecclesiastes_ZFlores.mp3
11/05/23 More Like the Master Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-10-MoreLikeTheMaster.pdf 11-05-2023_L2_More_Like_the_Master_-_Phil_48_ZFLores.mp3
11/05/23 God's Wonderful Works Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly SUN01-Psalm_111-Gods_Wonderful_Works.pdf 11-05-2023_L1_Gods_Wonderfull_Works_-_Psalm_111_ZFlores.mp3
11/05/23 Parable of the Lampstand Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class The Teachings of Jesus Sunday Adult Class 11-05-2023_Adult_Class_Parable_of_the_Lampstand_Matt_514-15_-_Parables_ZRhodes.mp3
10/29/23 The Misfit's Friend Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-The_Misfits_Friend2-16X9.pdf 12-29-2023_L2_The_Misfits_Friend_-_Luke_5_ZFlores.mp3
10/29/23 Job Got More Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly SUN01-Job_42-Job_Got_More.pdf 10-29-2023_L1_Job_Got_More_-_Job_42_ZFlores.mp3
10/29/23 The Spec and the Log - Continued Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class The Teachings of Jesus Sunday Adult Class 10-29-2023_Adult_Class_The_Spec_and_the_Log_-_Matt_71-6_ZRhodes.mp3
10/25/23 Ecclesiastes Intro - All is Vanity Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Ecclesiastes Wed Nght Bible Study 10-25-2023_wnbs_Ecclesiastes_Intro_-_All_is_Vanity_-_Ecc_11-11_ZFlores.mp3
10/22/23 Transgenderism, The Bible, and You Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 10-22-2023_L2_Transgenderism_-_The_Bible_and_You_ZFlores.mp3 SUN02-TrangenderismBibleAndYou.pdf
10/22/23 Elihu's Observations Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly SUN01-Job_32_10-Elihus_Observations.pdf 10-22-2023_L1_Elihus_Observations_-_Job_33-34_ZFlores.mp3
10/22/23 The Spec and the Log Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class The Teachings of Jesus Sunday Adult Class 10-22-2023_Adult_Class_The_Spec_and_the_Log_-_Parables_ZRhodes.mp3
10/18/23 Intro to Wisdom Books Zeke Flores Wed Night Bible Study Ecclesiastes Wed Nght Bible Study 10-18-2023_wnbs_Intro_to_Wisdom_Books_-_Ecclesiastes_ZFlores.mp3
10/15/23 Jesus' Resurrection to Ascension Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 10-15-2023_L2_Jesus_Resurrection_to_Ascension_ZRhodes.mp3
10/15/23 Job Defining Righteousness Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A First Assembly 10-15-2023_L1_Job_Defining_Righteousness_-_Job_29_ZRhodes.mp3
10/15/23 What We Learn About The King Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Parables Sunday Adult Class 10-15-2023_Adult_Class_What_We_Learn_About_the_King_-_Parables_ZRhodes.mp3
10/11/23 God and Man Lowell Koenig Wed Night Bible Study Proverbs Wed Nght Bible Study 10-11-2023_wnbs_God_and_Man_-_Proverbs_LKoenig.mp3
10/08/23 Why Stephen Hawking was Wrong Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-WhyStephenHawkingWasWrong-16x9.pdf 10-08-2023_L2_Why_Stephen_Hawking_was_Wrong_ZFlores.mp3
10/08/23 Maintaining Integrity Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly SUN01-Job_27_6-Maintaining_Integrity.pdf 10-08-2023_L1_Maintaining_Integrity_-_Job_276_ZFlores.mp3
10/08/23 Citizens in the Kingdom Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Parables Sunday Adult Class 10-08-2023_Adult_Class_Citizens_in_the_Kingdom_-_Parables_ZRhodes.mp3
10/01/23 Excellent Prayer Zeke Flores Sermon N/A Worship Assembly SUN02-09-Excellent_Prayer-Col_4.pptx 10-01-2023_L2_Excellent_Prayer_-_Col_42-4_ZFlores.mp3
10/01/23 Love Song - Song of Solomon Zeke Flores Sermon N/A First Assembly SUN01-Song_of_Solomon-A_Love_Song.pptx 10-01-2023_L1_Love_Song_-_Song_of_Solomon_ZFlores.mp3
10/01/23 Review of the Parables Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Parables Sunday Adult Class 10-01-2023_Adult_Class_Review_of_the_Parables_-_Parables_ZRhodes.mp3

Displaying 251 - 275 of 1277

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