Sermons and Classes

Sermons and Classes

Displaying 1126 - 1150 of 1265

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/01/19 The Milk of the Word Andrew Gass Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 12-01-2019_L2_The_Milk_of_the_Word_AGass.mp3
11/27/19 James 4:13-5:6 Andrew Gass Wed Night Bible Study The Letter of James Wed Nght Bible Study 11-27-2019_wnbs_James_413-56_AGass.mp3
11/24/19 Handling Gods Word Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Sunday Adult Class 11-24-2019_Adult_Class_Handling_Gods_Word_ZRhodes.mp3
11/24/19 Biblical Contradictions Andrew Gass Sermon N/A First Assembly 11-24-2019_L1_Biblical_Contradictions_AGass.mp3
11/24/19 Like Sparrows Andrew Gass Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 11-24-2019_L2_Like_Sparrows_-_Anxiety_AGass.mp3
11/20/19 Organization of the Congregation Zane Rhodes Wed Night Bible Study Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Wed Nght Bible Study 11-20-2019_wnbs_Organization_of_Congreation_ZRhodes.mp3
11/17/19 Deacons Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Sunday Adult Class 11-17-2019_Adult_Class_Deacons_ZRhodes.mp3
11/17/19 Shopping Salvation Lowell Koenig Sermon N/A First Assembly 11-17-2019_L1_Shopping_Salvation_LKoenig.mp3
11/17/19 What is Best? Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 11-17-2019_L2_What_is_Best_ZRhodes.mp3
11/13/19 James 4:7-12 Andrew Gass Wed Night Bible Study The Letter of James Wed Nght Bible Study 11-13-2019_wnbs_James_47-12_AGass.mp3
11/10/19 The Lord is a Warrior Andrew Gass Sermon N/A First Assembly 11-10-2019_L1_The_Lord_is_a_Warrior_AGass.mp3
11/10/19 Soldiers of Christ, Arise Andrew Gass Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 11-10-2019_L2_Soldiers_of_Christ_Arise_AGass.mp3
11/10/19 Paul and Predestination Andrew Gass Radio Sermons Digging Deeper Radio Sermon 11.10.19__-_Paul_and_Predestination.mp3
11/03/19 Psalm 90 Andrew Gass Radio Sermons Digging Deeper Radio Sermon 11.03.19_-_Psalm_90.mp3
11/03/19 Numbering Our Days Andrew Gass Sermon N/A First Assembly 11-03-2019_L1_Numbering_our_Days_AGass.mp3
11/03/19 You Must Master It Andrew Gass Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 11-03-2019_L2_You_Must_Master_It_AGass.mp3
10/30/19 James 4:1-6 Andrew Gass Wed Night Bible Study The Letter of James Wed Nght Bible Study 10-30-2019_wnbs_James_41-6_AGass.mp3
10/27/19 The Tale of Two Churches Andrew Gass Radio Sermons Digging Deeper Radio Sermon 10.27.19_-_Tale_of_Two_Churches.mp3
10/27/19 Attendance Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Sunday Adult Class 10-27-2019_Adult_Class_Attendance_ZRhodes.mp3
10/27/19 Being Noble Minded Andrew Gass Sermon N/A First Assembly 10-27-2019_L1_Being_Noble_Minded_AGass.mp3
10/27/19 Tale of Two Churches Andrew Gass Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 10-27-2019_L2_Tale_of_two_Churches_AGass.mp3
10/23/19 James 3:1-12 Andrew Gass Wed Night Bible Study The Letter of James Wed Nght Bible Study 10-23-2019_wnbs_James_31-12_AGass.mp3
10/20/19 Attendance Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Sunday Adult Class 10-20-2019_Adult_Class_Attendance_ZRhodes.mp3
10/20/19 The Gospel in Every City Andrew Gass Sermon N/A First Assembly 10-20-2019_L1_The_Gospel_in_Every_City_AGass.mp3
10/20/19 Building the Body Andrew Gass Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 10-20-2019_L2_Building_the_Body_AGass.mp3

Displaying 1126 - 1150 of 1265

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