Sermons and Classes

Sermons and Classes

Displaying 1226 - 1250 of 1269

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/09/19 Putting on Christ Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Sunday Adult Class 06-09-2019_Adult_Class_Putting_on_Christ__ZRhodes.mp3
06/09/19 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 06-09-2019_L2_Abraham_Issac_Jacob_ZRhodes.mp3
06/09/19 Fixed Eyes Mike Smith Sermon N/A First Assembly 06-09-2019_L1_Fixed_Eyes_MSmith.mp3
06/02/19 The Master's Call Danny Dillard Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 06-02-2019_L2_The_Masters_Call_DDillard.mp3
06/02/19 He must Reign Mike Smith Sermon N/A First Assembly 06-02-2019_L1_He_Must_Reign_-_unknown_album_-_00_-_1_Cor_1520-28_MSmith.mp3
05/26/19 Putting on Christ Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Sunday Adult Class 05-26-2019_Adult_Class_Putting_on_Christ_ZRhodes.mp3
05/26/19 Sin, Repentance, and Forgiveness Kevin Coufal Sermon N/A First Assembly 05-26-2019_L1_Sin_Repentance_and_Forgiveness_KCoufal.mp3
05/26/19 Wonderful Works of Women Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 05-26-2019_L2_Wonderful_Works_Of_Women_ZRhodes.mp3
05/19/19 How God gets us Ready Mike Smith Sermon N/A First Assembly 05-19-2019_L1_How_God_gets_us_Ready_-_unknown_album_-_00_-_Luke_51-11_MSmith.mp3
05/19/19 Confident, Not Arrogant Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 05-19-2019_L2_Confident_not_Arrogant_ZRhodes.mp3
05/12/19 Experience Joy Mike Smith Sermon N/A First Assembly 05-12-2019_L1_Experience_Joy_MSmith.mp3
05/12/19 Elisha, A Willing Worker Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 05-12-2019_L2_Elisha_A_Willing_Worker_ZRhodes.mp3
05/05/19 Keep Looking Up Mike Smith Sermon N/A First Assembly 05-05-2019_L1_Keep_Looking_Up_MSmith.mp3
05/05/19 Why Do We Want To Go To Heaven? Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 05-05-2019_L2_Why_do_we_want_to_go_to_Heaven_ZRhodes.mp3
04/28/19 Hall of Faith Lowell Koenig Sermon N/A First Assembly 04-28-2019_L1_Hall_of_Faith_LKoenig.mp3
04/28/19 Holy Spirit Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 04-28-2019_L2_Holy_Spirit_ZRhodes.mp3
04/21/19 Shavuot Zach Willeford Sermon N/A First Assembly 04-21-2019_L1_Shavuot_ZWilleford.mp3
04/21/19 Jesus the Son Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 04-21-2019_L2_Jesus_the_Son_ZRhodes.mp3
04/14/19 Run the Race Danny Dillard Sermon N/A First Assembly 04-14-2019_L1_Run_The_Race_DDillard_Jr.mp3
04/14/19 God the Father Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 04-14-2019_L2_God_the_Father_ZRhodes.mp3
04/07/19 Strength For Each Day Mike Smith Sermon N/A First Assembly 04-07-2019_L1_Strength_for_each_day_MSmith.mp3
04/07/19 Baptism Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 04-07-2019_L2_Baptism_ZRhodes.mp3
03/31/19 Respect and Honor Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 03-31-2019_L2_Respect_and_Honor_2_ZRhodes.mp3
03/31/19 Faith of our Fathers Mike Smith Sermon N/A First Assembly 03-31-2019_L1_Faith_of_our_Fathers_MSmith.mp3
03/24/19 Communicative Action Danny Dillard Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 03-24-2019_L2-Communicative_Action_DDillard.mp3

Displaying 1226 - 1250 of 1269

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