Sermons and Classes

Sermons and Classes

Displaying 1226 - 1250 of 1289

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/28/19 Fishers of Men Andrew Gass Sermon N/A First Assembly 07-28-2019_L1_Fishers_of_Men_AGass.mp3
07/24/19 Introduction to James Andrew Gass Wed Night Bible Study The Letter of James Wed Nght Bible Study 07-17-2019_wnbs_Introduction_to_James_AGass.mp3
07/21/19 The Nature of God and His Word Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Sunday Adult Class 07-21-2019_Adult_Class_The_Nature_of_God_and_His_Word_ZRhodes.mp3
07/21/19 What is the Gospel? Andrew Gass Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 07-21-2019_L2_What_is_the_Gospel_AGass.mp3
07/21/19 Little Children Andrew Gass Sermon N/A First Assembly 07-21-2019_L1_Little_Children_AGass.mp3
07/14/19 Putting on Christ Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Sunday Adult Class 07-14-2019_Adult_Class_Putting_on_Christ_ZRhodes.mp3
07/14/19 Imitating Christ's Humility Andrew Gass Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 07-14-2019_L2_Imitating_Christs_Humility_AGass.mp3
07/14/19 God, The Refuge of His People Andrew Gass Sermon N/A First Assembly 07-14-2019_L1_God_The_Refuge_of_His_People_-_unknown_album_-_00_-_Psalm_46_AGass.mp3
07/07/19 Putting on Christ Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Sunday Adult Class 07-07-2019_Adult_Class_Putting_on_Christ_ZRhodes.mp3
07/07/19 Christian Perspective Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 07-07-2019_L2_Christian_Perspective_ZRhodes.mp3
07/07/19 Armor of God Mike Smith Sermon N/A First Assembly 07-07-2019_L1_Armor_of_God_MSmith.mp3
06/30/19 Putting on Christ Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Sunday Adult Class 06-30-2019_Adult_Class_Putting_on_Christ_ZRhodes.mp3
06/30/19 Psalm 22 Andrew Gass Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 06-30-2019_L2_Psalm_22_ZRhodes.mp3
06/30/19 The Greatest Gift Mike Smith Sermon N/A First Assembly 06-30-2019_L1_The_Greatest_Gift_of_All_MSmith.mp3
06/23/19 Putting on Christ Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Sunday Adult Class 06-23-2019_Adult_Class_Putting_on_Christ_ZRhodes.mp3
06/23/19 Prophecy About Jesus Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 06-23-2019_L2_Isaiah_53_-_unknown_album_-_00_-_Prophecy_About_Jesus_ZRhodes.mp3
06/23/19 What's Your Sign Lowell Koenig Sermon N/A First Assembly 06-23-2019_L1_Whats_Your_Sign_-_unknown_album_-_00_-_Psalm_25_LKoenig.mp3
06/16/19 Book of Haggai Andrew Gass Sunday Adult Class N/A Sunday Adult Class 06-16-2019_Adult_Class_Book_of_Haggai_Andrew_Gass.mp3
06/16/19 Do Not Grow Weary of Doing Good Andrew Gass Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 06-16-2019_L2_Do_Not_Grow_Weary_of_Doing_Good_Andrew_Gass.mp3
06/16/19 Raising the Lord Andrew Gass Sermon N/A First Assembly 06-16-2019_L1_Raising_the_Lord_Andrew_Gass.mp3
06/09/19 Putting on Christ Zane Rhodes Sunday Adult Class Walking in the New Life of Jesus Christ Sunday Adult Class 06-09-2019_Adult_Class_Putting_on_Christ__ZRhodes.mp3
06/09/19 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Zane Rhodes Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 06-09-2019_L2_Abraham_Issac_Jacob_ZRhodes.mp3
06/09/19 Fixed Eyes Mike Smith Sermon N/A First Assembly 06-09-2019_L1_Fixed_Eyes_MSmith.mp3
06/02/19 The Master's Call Danny Dillard Sermon N/A Worship Assembly 06-02-2019_L2_The_Masters_Call_DDillard.mp3
06/02/19 He must Reign Mike Smith Sermon N/A First Assembly 06-02-2019_L1_He_Must_Reign_-_unknown_album_-_00_-_1_Cor_1520-28_MSmith.mp3

Displaying 1226 - 1250 of 1289

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